2024/12 Workshop
- Fluid dynamics joint workshop
- Fluid dynamics joint workshop
경희대학교 유체역학 연구실 joint workshop
SIL (Soft Interfaces Lab) & Flow-X Lab & Prof.Geongsu Lee
2024/12 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.6, JCR 2022, Top 4.4%
Title: A Bouncing and Rotating drop after Oblique Impact on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces
(홍익대학교 신승원교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2024/09 New Grant
2024/08 Conference
- ICTAM 2024
- ICTAM 2024
2024 ICTAM (International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 참여
Akash Ranjan Pati, poster + short oral presentation
Title: Effect of Surface Curvature on Drop Impacting Forces on Superhydrophobic SurfacesYoung-Su Ko, poster + short oral presentation
Title: Differential Response of Cytoplasmic Streaming of Plant Cells to Genetic Difference and Environment StressMohammad Shibli Reza, poster + short oral presentation
Title: Impact Dynamics of a Viscous Drop Through Microhole Pierced on a Super-Non-Wettable SurfaceWorkshop
ILM (Lyon1 대학) & MEL (카이스트 남영석 교수님연구실)
2024/08 Conference
- IUTAM Symposium
- IUTAM Symposium
2024 IUTAM Symposium on Capillarity and Elastocapillarity in Biology
Prof. Choongyeop Lee, Invited speaker
'Capillarity and Elastocapillarity' 관련 최근 국제 연구 동향 분석
2024/08 New Paper
- Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
- Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
IF 1.5, JCR 2023, Top 63.1%
*This paper is selected as Editor's pick
Title: Facile fabrication of superhydrophobic sub-millimetric cone-shape pillars based on a single UV exposure to control drop impact dynamics
(경희대학교 허윤정교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2024/06 New Paper
- Soft Matter
- Soft Matter
IF 2.9, JCR 2023, Top 26.8%
Title: Highly porous hydrogel for efficient solar water evaporation
(경희대학교 허윤정교수님 연구실 & 서울시립대 최인희교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2024/05 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.6, JCR 2022, Top 4.4%
*This paper is selected as Editor's pick
Title: Dynamics of microdroplet generation via drop impact on a superhydrophobic micropore
2024/04 New Paper
- Nano Energy
- Nano Energy
IF 17.6, JCR 2022, Top 5.1%
Title: High-powered superhydrophobic pyroelectric generator via droplet impact
(KAIST 남영석교수님, 성균관대 최덕현교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2024/04 New Paper
- Journal of Membrane Science
- Journal of Membrane Science
IF 9.5, JCR 2022, Top 4.1%
Title: Graphene oxide-based nanofluidic system for power generation from salinity difference
(KAIST 남영석교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2023/11 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.6, JCR 2022, Top 4.4%
Title: Effect of superhydrophilic surface on the cavitation behaviors of rotating blades
(서울대 박형민교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2023/11 Conference
- APS DFD 2023
- APS DFD 2023
2023 APS DFD(American Physical Society; The Division of Fluid Dynamics) 참여
Young-Su Ko, oral presentation
Title: Experiment Measurement of Cytoplasmic Streaming Velocity within a Single Plant Cell
2023/09 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.6, JCR 2022, Top 4.4%
Title: Passive control of flow rate change due to the input pressure fluctuation based on microchannel deformation
(경희대학교 허윤정교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2023/09 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.6, JCR 2022, Top 4.4%
Title: Numerical study of rectified electroosmotic flow in nanofluidics: Influence of surface charge and geometrical asymmetry
(고려대학교 유재영교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2023/09 New Paper
- Physical Review Fluids
- Physical Review Fluids
IF 2.7, JCR 2022, Top 39.7%
Title: Depressurization-induced drop breakup through bubble growth
(Lyon 1 대학 ILM 연구실 공동연구)
2023/07 Conference
- AJK 2023
- AJK 2023
2023 AJK(ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference) 참여
Prof. Choongyeop Lee, Invited speaker
Young-Su Ko, oral presentation
Title: Controlling Droplet-based Energy Generation by Microdroplets Charge and Size Using Superhydrophobic Meshes
2023/7 New Paper
- International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
- International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
IF 7, JCR 2022, Top 4.7%
Title: Enhanced capillary and heat transfer performance of asymmetric micropost wicks
(카이스트 남영석교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2023/05 Conference
- KSME Spring 2023
- KSME Spring 2023
2023 대한기계학회(KSME) 유체공학부문 춘계 학술대회 참여
Mohammad Shibli Reza, oral presentation
Title: A Single Micro Drop Generation through Drop Impact on a Superhydrophobic Micropore
2023/03 Conference
- KMEMS Spring 2023
- KMEMS Spring 2023
2023 한국MEMS 학회(KMEMS) 춘계 학술대회 참여
최근 연구 동향 분석
2023/03 New Grant
한국연구재단(NRF) 중견개인기초과제(유형 1-2) 선정
Topic: 인공적인 활성입자 기반 초유체 제작에 관한 연구
2023/02 Collaborative Research
- iLM, Univ. Lyon1
- iLM, Univ. Lyon1
프랑스 리옹1대학(Lyon1) , Liquids@Interfaces 연구팀과 공동연구 수행 (방문: 이충엽 교수, 고영수 박사과정 연구원)
Topic: 나노표면에서의 새로운 열유체 현상에 관한 연구
2023/01 New Paper
- Journal of Membrane Science
- Journal of Membrane Science
IF 10.53, JCR 2021, Top 3.89%
Title: Thermally enhanced osmotic power generation from salinity difference
(카이스트 남영석 교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2022/11 Conference
- KSME Fall 2022
- KSME Fall 2022
2022 대한기계학회(KSME) 추계 학술대회 참여
Young-Su Ko, oral presentation
Title: Single-cell level cytoplasmic streaming measurement in plant cell"Byeongeun Jeon, oral presentation
Title: A single microdroplet generation through drop impact on superhydrophobic micropore
(유체공학경진대회 동상 수상)Jeonghwan Choi, oral presentation
Title: Size and surface charge control of microdroplets by impacting a water drop onto hydrophobic mesh
(유체공학경진대회 금상 수상)
2022/10 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.98, JCR 2021, Top 4.41%
Title: Plastron replenishment on superhydrophobic surfaces using bubble injection
(서울대학교 박형민 교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2022/10 New Paper
- Physics of Fluids
- Physics of Fluids
IF 4.98, JCR 2021, Top 4.41%
Title: Promoting rebound from droplet impact on a spherical particle: Experimental and numerical study
(홍익대학교 신승원교수님 연구실 공동연구)
2022/10 New Paper
- International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
- International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
IF 6.782, JCR 2021, Top 3.99%
Title: Influence of early bouncing on heat transfer during drop impact
(카이스트 남영석교수님 연구실 공동연구)